Sunset at Warren Dunes State Park

Hey everyone! So I go to school in Michigan now! I completely forgot about this blog for many, many moons...and while I have shot some incredible video in the past year, still I have started to wish there was a way that I could share my adventures sometimes through just pictures and words. Thought about starting a blog for just that reason, then super excitedly realized I already had like a year ago!! promises, but hopefully this year I will post a bit more ;)

A few weeks ago I bought an annual pass to Michigan's state parks, and last Thursday it finally came :D So today I super excitedly set out for Warren Dunes State Park, my first state park visited under the new pass. I had visited the place last fall with my grandparents, and liked how close the parking lot was to the beach and Lake Michigan itself. I figured that with my poor balance and all the snow, this would be a pretty good option for sunset photography.

So, back in the summer version of Michigan, Warren Dunes has an absolutely gigantic parking lot. Today when I showed up, I was greeted by the following site (and for reference, the triangle-shaped buildings are outhouses situated right at the end of the parking lot):

Well, good thing I had my snow boots and jeans on! (though if I had known about all the snow, I would have probably brought my snowpants). I don't think I have ever spent 45 minutes tromping through knee-deep snow before...but I definitely had the time of my life doing so! It was so crazy how deep your feet would go. Like, one foot would go three feet down but the next only six inches. It was quite the adventure working my way out to the lake, making sure that I didn't like get hurt or something...I wanted to get out of this experience the way I went in! But I was careful, and stayed safe.

The views were absolutely amazing of the sunset on the lake next to the pure snow!! I always feel like the cool stuff to see is always far away (read: $$$ and energy and time) from where I currently am, so it was super cool to realize that here at Who's-Ever-Heard-Of-It Dunes State Park I could have an incredible nature photography adventure...and it's only 30 minutes away from my apartment!

Especially with the ice and snow, these photos almost make me think that I'm in like the Arctic, not southwest Michigan!

The climax. Day is dying in the west...

Well, that's about it for this post! Now that I have the state parks pass, I definitely want to visit more state parks this year - both here in Berrien County and farther beyond. I'll keep sharing on here when I do! :)



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