
Showing posts from January, 2019


So over Christmas break, I had the chance to spend some good solid quality time with my best friend. As we both enjoy nature photography and animals, we chose to go to the Chattanooga Zoo together. I had not visited the place for several years, so I was excited to go again and see what updates had happened in my absence. It was a slightly chilly day, but we bundled up and had fun. It was great to use my telephoto lens again. Here are some of my favorite pictures!  The tamarins were quite active, but the reflections made them hard to photograph. Still very cool to see these creatures.

One Year Ago: Exploring the Wild West in Sacramento

What's happening: One year ago I had the incredible opportunity to spend a week with my aunt, uncle, and cousins out in northern California playing tourist. I started writing this blog soon after the trip ended, and as I enjoyed myself so much, I have decided to write about my trip experiences in blog form. In this last post, I'd like to share about my last full day in California. After the three intense day trips to San Francisco, it was nice to stay a bit more local. My uncle and I walked around the grounds of the California State Capital, then finished up at the incomparable California State Railroad Museum. On my last visit to California several years ago, my uncle took me to tour the inside of the Capital, but we did not have much time at all to explore the grounds. This time we skipped the inside but spent a fun hour exploring the grounds. (Oh yes, and right before this, my uncle treated me out to a DELICIOUS breakfast place!!!!). It was very nice; beautifully kep

One Year Ago: War & Peace

What's happening: One year ago I had the incredible opportunity to spend a week with my aunt, uncle, and cousins out in northern California playing tourist. I started writing this blog soon after the trip ended, and as I enjoyed myself so much, I have decided to write about my trip experiences in blog form. One year ago today...'twas the third day in a row that my uncle and I made that two-hour commute from Sacramento to the Bay Area. By this point, it was old hat! But I must admit, that both my uncle and I looked at each other when we left at 7:30am and were like, "We're so glad that this is the last day we're doing this!" Three consecutive all-day trips from Sac to SF definitely took their toll! But the tiredness definitely did not diminish our enthusiasm for another exciting day playing tourist together :D The main destination of the day was the USS Hornet Sea, Air, and Space Museum. I was excited to visit not only because it was an aircraft carrier,

One Year Ago: Point Reyes National Seashore

What's happening: One year ago I had the incredible opportunity to spend a week with my aunt, uncle, and cousins out in northern California playing tourist. I started writing this blog soon after the trip ended, and as I enjoyed myself so much, I have decided to write about my trip experiences in blog form. It was January 1, 2018. I had been having an utterly fantastic time on vacation! Just yesterday my uncle took me all over San Francisco, and today we were going just north of the Bay Area to Point Reyes National Seashore. Once again, it was going to be around a two-hour commute; and all said and done we actually drove three hours because we had to drive for an hour in the park to get to the lighthouse, where we were going.  It was roughly a 14-hour day trip to San Francisco, and I was up total for around 16-17 hours. Today, we slept in till 6am...only had to leave at 7am!!!!!! ;D It was so fun to watch the sun rise as we drove along; by this point, the commute wa