
So over Christmas break, I had the chance to spend some good solid quality time with my best friend. As we both enjoy nature photography and animals, we chose to go to the Chattanooga Zoo together. I had not visited the place for several years, so I was excited to go again and see what updates had happened in my absence. It was a slightly chilly day, but we bundled up and had fun. It was great to use my telephoto lens again. Here are some of my favorite pictures!

 The tamarins were quite active, but the reflections made them hard to photograph. Still very cool to see these creatures.


I really, really liked this shot of the fairly clear tamarin with the reflection of the kid looking at it. Really helps to capture the idea of what a zoo is, to share wildlife up close with those who wouldn't otherwise get to see it. 

 The White-Nosed Coati was SO CUTE!!!!!!!

 Let sleeping bobcats lie...

 The cougar exhibit was perhaps my favorite exhibit of the whole zoo, plus the cougars themselves were quite active!

 I'm such a fine cat!

 Who, what, us? No, we're completely innocent... ;)
 Time for a stretch...

 Beautiful peacock!

 Above, some Francois Langurs. Below, sleepy snow leopards!

I really liked this Komodo Dragon!! Such a cool creature. The Deserts & Forests buildings were some of my favorites in the zoo. Very well designed.

 Rhinoceros Iguana above, and Fennec Fox below. 


 ...and finally, the icon of the zoo, the African Crowned Crane.

 See zoo (you) next time!
