
Newfound Gap, Tenn.

Yeah, I know it's been a little while since you heard from me last. In the past two months, I've endured countless snowstorms (including one week where my college canceled school due to -17 F temps!), interviewed for my dream Ph.D. school, got accepted to said school (University of Georgia - yay!!), and just last week received tons of data back from labs for my master's thesis. Now it's time to analyze the data and actually write the thesis. Oh yes, and did I mention that I'm taking a 500 level Biostatistics and Research Design course, as well as running the labs for 60 freshman Anatomy & Physiology students? Yeah....definitely not complaining, I am in all seriousness living the dream, but I have been busy! ;)

Anyways. On to the reason for this blog post. I have noticed in myself lately a much reduced desire to make history videos. It's been a great run and all, but after 500+ videos in basically the same genre I'm ready for a change in hobbies. I will certainly finish publishing the 60 or so videos that I still have all ready and primed to come down the pipeline, but I doubt that I will make many more. Plus, I haven't really made geocaching videos for several years now. I am extremely excited about starting the Integrated Plant Sciences Ph.D. program down at University of Georgia later this year, and really feel that it is time for a change in my online identity. I think that my online identity should reflect who I am and what I am passionate about in real life. Thus, the name change of this blog and corresponding URL from "historical geocaching" to "that georgia biologist".  I find myself very interested in getting more and more into still photography...especially nature photography. I think this blog could be a great way of featuring my adventures in Ph.D. school and various trips that I may go on. Additionally, I am also interested in potentially writing more word-based articles (as opposed to photo-based articles) of various biological topics that I am interested in.

So here's to my exciting, God-directed future! This blog is now reborn! I'm so happy you're here for the ride!

-Austin AKA That Georgia Biologist


  1. GREAT shot of the Gap! Looking forward to the "new & improved" AJM!
    Best Wishes,


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