
Showing posts from April, 2019

Springtime at Dowagiac Woods Nature Sanctuary!

Well hey there, everyone! It's been a while... Since my last post, I've learned tons about statistical tests, finished teaching my last semester of Anatomy & Physiology Lab (tears! - but excited for the journey ahead), and cranked on writing my thesis. Right now I've got the methods and results pretty much down, and next up are the introduction and discussion. About another six weeks to go until the deadline, and around nine until my defense! All which to say that while it's a good life, it's definitely a busy life for me right now. So yesterday, when the sun shone and the birds danced (well, maybe not that last one ;) ), I decided to take a few hours off my academic pursuits to go enjoy nature first hand. There is a wonderful nature sanctuary not too far away from campus (Dowagiac Woods), and I figured it would be exploding with wildflowers by now! Sure was. More epic then in my wildest dreams. I must have seen at least ten different species o