Springtime at Dowagiac Woods Nature Sanctuary!

Well hey there, everyone! It's been a while...

Since my last post, I've learned tons about statistical tests, finished teaching my last semester of Anatomy & Physiology Lab (tears! - but excited for the journey ahead), and cranked on writing my thesis. Right now I've got the methods and results pretty much down, and next up are the introduction and discussion. About another six weeks to go until the deadline, and around nine until my defense!

All which to say that while it's a good life, it's definitely a busy life for me right now. So yesterday, when the sun shone and the birds danced (well, maybe not that last one ;) ), I decided to take a few hours off my academic pursuits to go enjoy nature first hand. There is a wonderful nature sanctuary not too far away from campus (Dowagiac Woods), and I figured it would be exploding with wildflowers by now! Sure enough...it was. More epic then in my wildest dreams. I must have seen at least ten different species of wildflowers, several insects, and the birds were all around (esp. the crazy crows and woodpeckers, who were having an I-can-shout-louder-than-you contest! :P) I loved seeing all the flowers, and I loved taking photos of them, too. Following are some of my favorite shots, enjoy!

What initially looks like white specs of snowflakes are actually hundreds if not thousands of wildflowers!!

 Above: Common blue violet (Viola sororia). 
 (above and below): Long-spurred violet (Viola rostrata)

 Fact: No one can take too many photos of spring beauties (Claytonia virginica)!!

 The yellow Halberd-leaved Violet (Viola hastata) was so pretty!!
 Really liked the composition in this shot.
 Two flowers in one picture! Trout lily (Erythronium americanum) and spring beauty.

The gorgeous white trillium (Trillium grandiflorum) !

 I still need to figure out what species the flower above is! 
Below, Dutchman's breeches (Dicentra cucullaria).

 Above, Sweet Anise (Osmorhiza longistylis). 
Below, and for the next several shots, Rue Anenmone (Thalictrum thalictroides).

 The path goes on...

 Remember, one can never have too many pictures of... ;)

Still haven't figured out what these flowers are. 
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my pictures!

I felt deeply moved by the Spirit of the Lord Sabbath afternoon [October 13, 1888] to call the minds of those present to the love God manifests to His people. The mind must not be permitted to dwell on the most objectionable features of our faith. In God's Word, which may be represented as a garden filled with roses and lilies and pinks, we may pluck by faith the precious promises of God, appropriate them to our own hearts, and be of good courage—yes, joyful in God—or we may keep our attention fastened on the briars and thistles and wound ourselves severely and bemoan our hard lot.

God is not pleased to have His people hanging dark and painful pictures in memory's hall. He would have every soul plucking the roses and the lilies and the pinks, hanging memory's hall with the precious promises of God blooming all over the garden of God. He would have us dwelling upon them, our senses sharp and clear, taking them in in their full richness, talking of the joy that is set before us. He would have us living in the world, yet not of it, our affections taking hold of eternal things. He would have us talking of the things which He has prepared for those that love Him. This will attract our minds, awaken our hopes and expectations, and strengthen our souls to endure the conflicts and trials of this life. As we dwell on these scenes the Lord will encourage our faith and confidence. – Selected Messages Book 3, p. 163
