Defense Done!

I'm thrilled to announce that two days ago I defended my master's thesis, and it went as smooth as a dream! I really appreciated how many friends, professors, and grad student colleagues were able to come. It was very enjoyable to finally share in a public setting what I have been working on the last year and a half.

To tell the truth I was more nervous for the questioning-by-my-committee time after the presentation, rather than the presentation itself (anyone who knows me in real life knows that I love to talk, and my thesis is one of my favorite subjects, so... :D). However, my time with the committee went super smooth too. We had an intelligent and academic but still overall chill and fun conversation regarding the more detailed aspects of my project. I was able to capably answer most all of the questions...and they decided to pass me, so I guess that's a good sign... ;) Haha.

I really enjoyed going out to eat with my major professor and grad program coordinator and some friends that night, and we gabbed as only we can. I mean, doesn't everyone dissect their food and decide whether they are eating C3 or C4 food items?? ;) Also, several of my good friends were able to come, so that was super fun to have them as well!

If you'd like to watch my thesis defense presentation, check out the video here.

There's still a few more minor edits to make on the thesis, so that's what I've been cranking at for the past couple days. Still another day or two more to go. But soon and very soon I will begin the moving process down to Georgia! I'm so excited! :D
