Sunset Social at Warren Dunes

Hey guys, guess where I went today? :D I make no apologies...Warren Dunes is an amazing place, especially at sunset, and I am loving going there!! One of my friends last week commented that he really liked photography, and would greatly enjoy heading out to Warren Dunes sometime with me to catch the sunset. When I saw that absolutely beautiful, clear weather was predicted for this weekend, I knew we had to go :D

I really enjoyed hanging out with him, learning some new photography tricks, and overall just having fun doing a hobby with someone else who also enjoys the same thing! The grand show of nature once again failed to disappoint...and per usual, exceeded my expectations. The sunset was absolutely gorgeous and I got some pretty cool shots.

Without further adieu...enjoy! :)

This time, rather than going down on the beach as before, my friend and I went up a bluff and enjoyed composing pictures with the grasses in the foreground. I really liked how these shots turned out!
 The photographer at work.

For a few moments I turned my attention off of the sunset and to the grasses themselves.

 Probably some of my favorite shots of the evening right here!

Right about sunset, I reached the edge of the lake. Didn't have near enough time to photograph from this position while the ball of fire was still up over the horizon, but still got a few nice shots. Next time I will arrive earlier. And I also really liked the people in the foreground, made the shots much more interesting!!

“This grand show is eternal. It is always sunrise somewhere; the dew is never all dried at once; a shower is forever falling; vapor is ever rising. Eternal sunrise, eternal sunset, eternal dawn and gloaming, on sea and continents and islands, each in its turn, as the round earth rolls.”

 - John Muir


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