Summer Sunset at Warren Dunes

It has been a solid two months since I last visited Lake Michigan. As I was very mentally exhausted last night (read: summer school!), I decided that going to watch a sunset at Warren Dunes was just what I needed :D

I was actually quite happily surprised to see that there actually weren't crowds and crowds of people there...maybe because it was a week night, I don't know. Or maybe the summer season hasn't hit full force yet. Anyways, I had a grand time! Loved seeing the sunset and it was just the refreshing my soul needed. Of course, I made sure to bring my camera along too - following are some of my favorite shots! Enjoy! :)

 I got there around an hour before the sun set - which for me, is plenty of time to sit and take it all in, plus snap a few shots as well :D
 I had fun playing around with putting the grasses in front of the sun. Nothing says "Andrews University" and "Southwest Michigan" to me more than the pictures right here!!

 It was really fun seeing the sun's reflection on the waves! It was actually a little windy out; thus higher waves than at previous visits. Still, overall it was a very calming experience.

 Something just doesn't sit well with me on this shot - trash like pop bottles just doesn't fit well with the natural surroundings and beauty. Reminds of how we don't take care of our planet, it won't be in the same condition for future generations to enjoy. I've been quite faithfully following the Monterey Bay Aquarium out in California on social media for the last month or so - their big tagline is "Inspiring Conservation of the Ocean". I love all their live webcams of sea otters, penguins, sharks, and so much more! (as an aside, I'm going on a YouTube cleanse this month. Now you know what I'm watching instead - sea otters, and sermons from my local church!! ;) ) That's partly what inspired me, no pun intended, to take this shot, just the odd, wrong combination of items here. The other half of the reason is because you never know where you'll want to use a photo. Over the years I have built up quite a stock collection of video and photos that, since I took them, I have free access to. I thought that a shot like this would be a great asset to that collection.

Oh, and I definitely threw away those pop cans in the nearby trashcan after taking this shot!! Which leads me to just throw out there...I've only followed the Monterey Bay Aquarium for the last four weeks or so, maybe less. But they have been so good at their motto, their creed, their value proposition, if you will, of "inspiring conservation of the ocean" that I could not stand just leaving the trash there on the beach. Be careful what influences you let into your mind...they can have a substantial impact, positive or negative, on you.


Now I'll get off my soapbox, for right now at least ;)

Back to the sunset photos!!
This was a grandma and granddaughter, I'm pretty sure, just having a grand time hanging out together and enjoying the sunset. I enjoyed snapping a couple shots of them together, and this is one of my favorites.

The climax. 

Till next time!


  1. Stunningly beautiful!!! And I am VERY proud that you threw the trash away! Terrible shame on the people who left it there in the first place!!!


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