
Showing posts from September, 2018

Visiting the Historic Adventist Village

Hey everyone! Several weekends ago I had the chance to visit the Historic Adventist Village over in Battle Creek with some of my pastor friends. For those of you who don't know, Adventism basically started in Battle Creek back in the mid-1850's, and the Village is a really nice collection of original buildings the Adventist pioneers lived and worked in back in the day. It's one thing to know the stories; it's another thing entirely to have a concrete visual on what their homes and churches looked like, to imagine these stories happening in the very pews and rooms you are sitting in! My parents first took me back in 2013, but it was a lot of fun to go again. In 2013 I had filmed a guided tour of the Village , so this time I focused on taking photos (as well as thoroughly filming a guided tour of the nearby Oak Hill Cemetery, coming to a YouTube channel near you late 2019!). I took pictures in three main locations: the David Hewitt log cabin, the James and Ellen Whi

FINALLY - Visiting Warren Woods State Park

You may remember that back in February I tried to go out and visit Warren Woods State Park. You may also remember my sharing that due to recent flooding, the park entrance was closed off and I was unable to go. Well, seven months later and not a cloud in the sky, yesterday I decided would be a good time for a second try. I had had a great church service, but was ready for some fresh air and sunshine. A hike in the woods and drive to a new place (read: adventure!!) seemed to fit the bill quite nicely ;) I had a beautiful - albeit long - drive through the Michigan backcounty to reach the park. While as the crow flies Warren Woods is much closer than Warren Dunes, roadwise it is actually about twice as far. While I don't think I will visit again, I am happy I went once. Nice to now have visited all 3/3 state parks here in Berrien County. Without further adieu, here's some of my photos!  The woods call...  There was a nice stream and bridge over it. I really

A September Sunset

So the last week and half or so for me have been pretty rough. Not bad - lots of fun stuff that I'm thrilled to be doing, but nonetheless physically and emotionally exhausting. Anyways, right before all the crazy started, I headed out for some peace and quiet at Lake Michigan. Now that I *finally* :D have a chance to breathe, here's the photos!  So first off, I noticed these trees that I had never really paid attention to before. Cool! It was fun catching shots of the sun coming through the leaves. Now it's off to the beach!  Obligatory "reed intersecting the sun ball" picture... ;)  And now begins the slew of actual sunset pics. I know that it may be a little repetitive, and I do go on a lot of sunset photography trips...but hey, right now this is what I want to write about. It was so refreshing just to be there and see it, plus of course be creative and have fun taking photos.  Side note, while I do love my chosen career of scienc