One Year Ago: Gold Country, Part 2

What's happening: One year ago I had the incredible opportunity to spend a week with my aunt, uncle, and cousins out in northern California playing tourist. I started writing this blog soon after the trip ended, and as I enjoyed myself so much, I have decided to write about my trip experiences in blog form. 

One year ago today, my second full day in the Sunshine State, was a good day of rest and relaxation, compared to our other days! In the morning I went to church, then in the afternoon visited with some good friends whom I had not seen for many years. Afterward, my uncle offered to take me to visit Sutter's Fort State Historical Park - a fun destination that was not a far drive away at all! For those of you who don't know, Sutter's Fort was a major destination on the California Trail, and owned by the guy who owned the mill where gold was discovered. Gold was discovered up in Coloma, but it was verified to be gold in Sutter's Fort. At any rate, it's a super cool place regardless of what aspect of American history you are into, and I thoroughly enjoyed my time. It very much reminded me of the Castillo de San Marcos in St. Augustine, Florida. Photographically speaking, I was excited to visit Sutter's Fort during evening golden hour! Following are some of my favorite shots...

 It was lots of fun to walk around and see the sights.

 I particularly enjoyed looking inside the various rooms.

 This was a scale model of the fort that I really liked.

...and here my uncle caught me in action ;)

See you tomorrow...


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