Playing Tour Guide at the Botanical Gardens

This past week has gone very well. I'm excited; I've finished the first of three rotations this week and am excited to work under a different professor starting next week. So far I've had the chance to do both field work as well as start creating a theoretical framework of knowledge on plants (translation: read lots of scientific papers!). This past week I attended a lecture by a forensic botanist who came to Athens, and that was really cool learning how plants can be used as evidence to help solve crimes!

To celebrate my scholastic progress, my parents and sister very kindly came down and spent the weekend with me :) I was so excited to take my family to the botanical gardens and play tour guide. In between extolling the (many) virtues of my favorite local destination, I managed to take a few photos that I thought you might like to see. Enjoy! :)


The autumn crocuses were some of my favorite from this trip.

 These black-eyed susans were so bright and happy!

So pretty...

 Cool shot of the canopy!

That's it till next time! :)
