Kensington Metropark

Not too far away from where my grandparents live is Kensington Metropark, a really cool place that they have really enjoyed taking my family and I to whenever we visit. There is a farm with animals, a lake with boat rides, and a really nice nature center.

As soon as I had arrived and downed some delicious Taco Bell (thanks, Grandpa!!), the first place we visited was Kensington. Unfortunately the boat rides hadn't opened up for the summer yet, but we thoroughly enjoyed the other attractions.

At the farm I really liked the big windmill, the various exhibits in the barn, and of course all of the animals! The pigs were at the bottom of my "favorites" list, but I got along quite well with the sheep, ducks, and goats! There were also some really pretty flowers blooming.

On the walk to the nature center, we found some chipmunks! I wasn't sure how good of shots I was going to be able to get, as I did not have my telephoto lens along. However, the chipmunks were either very friendly or incredibly oblivious, as they allowed me to get quite close for some very nice shots!

All in all it was a great time with two precious are some of my photos! :)

 Loved this shot of my grandparents, especially with how the light played out and all.

 This plaque here says, I have the best grandson ever!! ;)
